5 AV mistakes you don't want to make during an event


Whether you're planning an annual company event or you're a professional event planner, your goal is to make an impression. To bring a network together. To convey keynotes. To share the company's future plans. To excite influencers about a new product. Right there, at that moment. 

Good news! You can enlist your AV partner as your secret weapon. Especially if you also watch out for these five mistakes:

1_ Not enough time

Depending on the size or complexity of an event, the setup and teardown time for audiovisual equipment can surprisingly add up. So, make sure to check how much time your audiovisual production team estimates they'll need, and factor that into your planning and when reserving the venue. Consider when suppliers will arrive and think about the accessibility of the location. Also, remember to schedule a moment for rehearsals and on-site testing of slide shows and videos. Because...

2_ Mismatch between equipment and content

Imagine this scenario: You've put in hard work to create an impressive introduction video or a powerful PowerPoint with carefully chosen fonts, but when the crucial moment arrives, you can't use them. 

That's why it's a good idea to inquire in advance about screen proportions, so you can adjust your presentations. Also, provide the content to your AV partner in advance so they can thoroughly check and prepare everything. While you're gathering presentations, take the opportunity to ask your speakers if they have any special requests. An added advantage: this ensures that everyone is well-prepared.

3_ Speakers who don't stop

You create the schedule, and AV provides support so speakers can adhere to it. Enthusiastic speakers are a blessing... unless they don't know when to stop. The right AV setup provides a clearly visible clock for your speakers. Additionally, you can use chat to send live questions or messages to your host. Your AV support serves as the bridge between the stage and the control room.

4_ Relying on Free Wi-Fi?

Not a good idea! Wi-Fi doesn't always work at top speed, especially when a large audience with smartphones is using the same free Wi-Fi provided by the venue. Is the speaker planning to demonstrate their webshop? Are you bringing in a remote guest? Are you planning a livestream with pre-recorded videos? Then you'll need bandwidth. A lot of bandwidth. Make sure to thoroughly check if the connection is at its best, test it in advance, and play it safe.

5_ Not everyone can see or hear everything

Ever been to a concert where you could hardly hear the band play? Did you stay and watch or did you head to the bar? Don't underestimate the importance of good sound. And good visibility, of course. Front row, middle, and all the way in the back. For the speakers during the plenary session, but also for the band performing later. As the organiser, you and the audiovisual production company are partners for the day. You collaborate on the event's architecture. Are there enough speakers, and where should they be placed? The right microphones? What screens? How big should they be? Can everyone be immersed in the story from any location? And don't forget that equipment and the crew need space. Sometimes, even height is required. Screens, speakers, projectors, lights... They require 'rigging points.' Sometimes everything fits, sometimes it takes a bit of creativity. But that's where a good AV partner comes in handy.