What happens in the warehouse


Usually the secrets of the warehouse are sacred and safe, but for once we take you behind the scenes of one of our BTS-teams': Whitemilk® Event Rental. 'The rental' for the insiders. The team that brightens up corporate events and trade shows at home and abroad.

It is peak season. A Monday during peak season, because a year has several peak points. Corporate events come and go like ebb and flow. Summers and public holidays are quiet, but autumn is already well-filled, and we’re only the end of March. So yes, it’s wildly busy. The coming week had been fully filled for some time. Everything under control. Until the additional questions and adjustments came in, one by one.

'We’re not sure yet, but okay for you guys if we go for hybrid anyway? Can we do the broadcast a day earlier? Can we possibly, optionally, not sure but maybe, add this? Can we still go this way? Or that way?’ Just before the weekend, everyone appeared to opt for the full option version of all the proposed possibilities and adjustments. Finally, the schedule fell together. All hands on deck now for the permanent team plus a solid rist of freelancers. Long days, crazy hours.

A unique Monday afternoon! Everyone is at home. Ben, Bram, Siel, David and Joren. Are the roles clearly divided? In this team, everyone can do everything. Bram and Siel are the real specialists in video and direction and also often take the lead in projects, David is the biggest customer expert of the gang and Joren is especially looking forward to the arrival of the Whitemilk led wall. But basically everyone can do everything and it is the agenda that dictates who does what and when.

An afternoon together in Melle is a blessing. Time to answer emails, check and adjust schedules, book freelancers and load vans. The gates are open on both sides of the warehouse and vans are filled. This is the time to check content and backgrounds that clients will want to use soon, make lens calculations and creatively find answers to warehouse problems. And oh yes, are all digital mixers gone on Wednesday?