5* Why an AV job is the best in the world (for an IT pro)


So. Five reasons. Just five! We have many more reasons why a job at an audiovisual integrator is the best in the world, as you can imagine. But restraint shows mastery, so we carefully selected these top reasons why we - and our IT profiles - eagerly and passionately dive into work every day.

1_ The thrill of it

Job security could have been a good opener too, or the fact that everyone, even newcomers, can expect a good salary in this sector. But if you're an IT pro, those might not be the most compelling arguments. What truly sets AV apart is the thrill. We shape the future. Every day, we get to use our creativity and expertise to connect people through visuals and sound. We provide them with immersive and sensory experiences. We make their lives better.

2_ Adventure

We're not averse to a little adventure. Enthusiastically, we zoom along the high-tech highway in a world that never stands still for a second. We're in the front row for new developments, and how exciting are the new questions and challenges with each upcoming project? One day, we're helping shape the campus of the future; the next, we're brainstorming complex projects in healthcare, airports, at multinational companies... 'It's time for something else' is something you'll never hear anyone say here. We've never known a colleague who thought they'd seen enough of the audiovisual sector.

3_ The crew

The latter undoubtedly has something to do with 'the bond with the crew.' The team is at the heart of all the fun. Amid all the hustle and bustle - and busy it is - we always find time to do a victory dance together. Or to play a game of paddle tennis. To cheer on those playing paddle tennis. To grab a drink. To attend legendary international trade shows. To indulge ourselves extensively thanks to the company. Or thanks to partners, suppliers, manufacturers. Because they're also part of 'the crew' to some extent. The world isn't that big. We often run into the same people, and we welcome newcomers with open arms. 

Collaborations lead to fantastic experiences. Together, we can progress, inspire each other, and occasionally have a beer.

4_ We're the first to know

We mentioned 'being in the front row for new developments,' and that's no exaggeration. Manufacturers rely on us to test innovations in our lab before they go into production. We share our findings with the whole team. So, we all get to peek behind the scenes regularly, where the magic happens. Even better, we're part of that magic.

5_ The IT award

Is an AV Integrator winning an IT award a bit off-course? We've known for years: no! We even call it a 'marriage parfait.' AV designs must be flexible, scalable, intuitive, and as easy to operate as a smartphone. Sounds a lot like IT, doesn't it? The projects we work on, from networking to control, have connections with IT everywhere. Hence, a significant portion of our team has ties to IT. 

Perhaps the best part of this story, though, is the award. Not that everything hinges on the awards you receive, but they're a sign that things are going well in that place. Especially when the trophy also applauds the innovative approach. An AV job is the best job, not only for an IT pro.