Is AV not creative enough for women?


It may sound outdated, but we still have one: a male-dominated world. It's improving, but not by much. In the audiovisual sector, and by extension, the entire tech industry, women remain a minority. Does AV not need them? Quite the opposite! Aren't audiovisual projects an attractive arena for women? On the contrary!

Statistical website Statista examined the self-published numbers by the 'Big Five Tech' companies in the summer of '22. In decreasing order, at Amazon, 45% of employees are female, at Facebook, 37%, at Apple, 34%, at Google, 33%, and at Microsoft, 29%. Only a minority of them have technical roles. Whitemilk doesn't do better, even though some women count double. However, there's plenty of talent, we have no doubt about that. And there's work too. The audiovisual sector is growing. We are present in more and more aspects of life. Companies, healthcare, education, events, aviation, and ports, public services... They are moving online or adopting hybrid working, placing higher demands on the audiovisual setup. There are increasing opportunities to connect people, even remotely.

So many choices

Of course, you have countless options when it comes to your choice of study and career. That's where it begins. If no one ever talks about AV Consultant, AV Technician, or Service & Support Engineer, and you don't know anyone in those roles who looks and sounds like you, those jobs won't immediately rise to the top of your list of choices. That's not surprising.

Consistently Creative

But apparently, women also indicate in surveys that a job in our sector seems insufficiently creative to them. In our world today, we generally excel at distinguishing between everything related to technology, IT, sciences, and mathematics, on the one hand, and arts or social sciences on the other. We make this division in education as well, more than ever, even in the reformed secondary education.

As if you don't need to engage your creative mind for every new audiovisual solution. The language and the process are different. You have to learn them, like with anything else. You don't become a guitar virtuoso in a day either (our team's musicians can vouch for that). But once you start speaking the language a bit, a world opens up, and you can play. Every project offers new possibilities, welcomes new ideas and perspectives, and requires a different audiovisual design. You learn, grow, discover, experiment, and are constantly challenged creatively.

Diversity in the team

As an innovative company in a rapidly growing, forward-thinking sector, we already know that innovation works even better in a diverse team. When both women and men are at the table, everyone seems to anticipate that there will be different opinions and perspectives. There's an expectation of an alternative viewpoint, and everyone knows that it will take more effort to reach a consensus. This subtle pressure only improves the result. It's not just about gender, we understand that too. Everyone can bring unique ideas, and diversity goes much broader. But still. It would be wonderful if women increasingly understand how valuable the audiovisual sector can be as a choice.

There's so much potential in AV. Let it be a blank canvas for anyone to unleash their creativity and take you where you want to go.