1_ AoIP becomes 'All over IP'
For years, AoIP has stood for 'Audio over IP,' the distribution of digital audio over an IP network (IP = Internet Protocol). But more and more, these networks are also used to transmit video, USB... It's now more accurate to say that AoIP stands for 'Everything over IP.' This presents challenges. Solutions like Dante®, NDI®, or SRT address these challenges. They pave the way for transmitting data over the existing IP infrastructure quickly, flexibly, and in the highest quality. That's what the future demands.
In the past at Whitemilk, we dealt with sound or visuals, or both. With projectors and screens. Today, it also involves USB, network booking... We are no longer purely focused on AV, nor solely on IT, but on everything simultaneously. We no longer work with just technicians or electricians at our clients' sites but also with IT managers, facility managers, office managers... Our job remains technical, but now we also handle 'All over IP,' and it's also a very human job. We listen and explain.